Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Dar es Salaam

Tipo di finanziamento: 
Fondi Europei
climate change, adaptation, sub-Saharan city
Aree Tematiche
Area di Ricerca di Dipartimento: 
Settori ERC Principali: 
SH3 Environment and society: environmental studies, demography, social geography, urban and regional studies
Settori ERC Secondari: 
SH3_8 Urbanization and urban planning, cities
Silvia Macchi

Personale del DICEA

Altro Personale: 
Liana Ricci, assegnista di ricerca
Giuseppe Faldi, dottorando DIAEE
Michele Munafò, docente a contratto e esperto GIS
Luca Congedo, borsista di ricerca
Carlo Norero, borsista di ricerca
Olivier Malcor, esperto teatro partecipativo
Tommaso Calchetti, laureando
Mariangela Montemurro, laureada

Altre Unità Operative

Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


The project’s overall objective is to contribute to implementation of the National Adaptation Programme of Action of the United Republic of Tanzania, focusing mainly on two of its priority sectors for adaptation strategies: human settlements and coastal and marine resources.

The action’s specific objectives is to improve the effectiveness of Dar municipalities’ initiatives for supporting coastal peri-urban population in their efforts to adapt to Climate Change.

Regarding the relationship between poverty and climate change the action contributes to:

  • reduction of poverty in urban areas by enhancing the implementation of land use and management plans;
  • reduction of vulnerability from environmental risk by supporting community-based natural resource management and enhancing district level planning;
  • enhancement of systems of governance by strengthening local level institutions while focusing on increased participation of women and men in decision making.

The project is expected to generate the following outcomes:

  • enhanced capacities of Dar's municipalities in understanding CC issues, designing adaptation activities and integrating them in their Urban Development and Environment Management strategies and plans;
  • enhanced development of methodologies for supporting inhabitants of coastal unplanned and underserviced settlements in their efforts to adapt to CC;
  • better understanding of actual and practical ways of addressing CC adaptation in coastal areas of fast growing African cities.
Altre Info
Durata della ricerca: 
February, 2011 to August, 2014

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